
ACEP Events for Chapter Leaders

Chapter Presidents Town Halls Every other month, ACEP’s President and President-Elect host an informal virtual town hall for Chapter Presidents, President-Elects, and Executive Directors. Upcoming tow...

Communication Services provided by ACEP to Chapters


Forms due to National

Compliance and Checklists

Membership Resources for Chapter Administrators

Membership Marketing

Chapter Board Member Orientation

Chapter Events

Financial Management: Resources for Officers and Treasurers

Public Relations

Services & Resources Available to ACEP Chapters

Fundamentals of Chapter Management

Leadership Development Programs

ACEP Chapters

Closing Remarks – Feb. 25, 2021

Council Update – Feb. 25, 2021

Education Update – Feb. 25, 2021

Quality Update – Feb. 25, 2021

State Legislative Update – Feb. 25, 2021

Grassroots, NEMPAC and LAC21 – Feb. 25, 2021

Public Relations – Feb. 25, 2021

Regulatory Update – Feb. 25, 2021

Federal Advocacy – Feb. 25, 2021

Membership & Communications – Feb. 25, 2021

Executive Director Update – Feb. 25, 2021

ACEP Leadership Update – Feb. 25, 2021

Diane Bollman Chapter Advocate Award – Mr. Robert Ramsey

Diane K. Bollman Chapter Advocate Award – Stephanie Butler

States Find Tool for Quick Legislative Response

Chapter EM Today Request

Fundamentals of Chapter Management - Appendix 2

Guidelines for Rental of the Membership List

Explanation of Chapter Account Statement

Potential Policies Your Chapter May Need

Marketing Chapter Educational Meetings in EM Today

30 Ways To Recruit & Retain New Members

First Chapter Grant Progress Report

Sample Hospital Policies

Chapter Label Policy

Letter of Welcome for New Members Orientation Package

Requirements for Having an Education Program Approved for Category I Joint Sponsorship

Membership Committee Job Description and Functions

How to Plan a Meeting

Chapter Grant Program

Marketing Resources

State of Michigan Educational PowerPoints

Chapter Office Checklist

State Legislative Tracking Service for Chapters

Personal Preparedness

Ideas for Chapter Membership

Synopses of the latest articles in Annals of Emergency Medicine - August 2017

Articles of interest in Annals of Emergency Medicine - February 2020

Incident Command Resources

Council Resolution 18

Synopses of the latest articles in Annals of Emergency Medicine - December 2017

Project Timeline for ED Winter Conference

Budget Tips and Sample Worksheet

Grants and Sponsorships


Chapter Grant Application

Leader Visit Program

Use of the ACEP Mark (Logo)

Chapter Officer Action Items

Chapter Officer Checklist

Marketing for Chapter Educational Meetings

Chapter Membership Marketing

Talking Points for Group Referrals

Leader Visit Procedures

Articles of interest in Annals of Emergency Medicine - May 2019

Additional Resources on the Web

Small Chapter Guide to Hosting an Educational Meeting

E-Newsletter Service for Chapters

Planning Schedule

Drill Resources

Health Care Fact Sheets

Disaster Preparedness Reference Materials

Disaster Preparedness PowerPoints and Education

Disaster Preparedness Materials Outline

Collection of Funds for Chapter Political Action Committees (PACs)

Sample Mission Statement for Chapters

EM Futures Program

Articles of Interest in Annals of Emergency Medicine - August 2019

CME Information and Timeline

Chapter - Final Report

Chapter Leadership Development

Chapter Services