Letter of Welcome for New Members Orientation Package

October 7, 2002


Welcome to membership in the American College of Emergency Physicians! Your dues payment has been received and you are now entitled to all the benefits and privileges of membership.

As we begin what I hope is a long and rewarding relationship, I encourage you to take an active role in the programs of the College at both the national and chapter level. Contact your chapter president and become involved! The name and address of your chapter president and the address of your chapter office (if available) are listed below.

A packet of information describing many of the College programs and services are enclosed with this letter. Please take a few minutes to review the materials and acquaint yourself with the services that are available to you. Take full advantage of the services and feel free to call our Member Services Department at the Headquarters any time you have a question or concern.

Your membership certificate and identification card are included in your packet. Your first issues of ACEP News and EM Today are enclosed, and you should receive your first issue of Annals of Emergency Medicine in six to eight weeks.

This is an exciting time for our specialty and for the College. Because of your support, and the support of more than 37,000 of your colleagues, ACEP continues to be the preeminent emergency medicine/emergency physician organization representing you and promoting and protecting emergency medicine as we face the many challenges of these changing times.

Yours truly,
George W. Molzen, MD, FACEP

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