EMS Week

EMS Week Resources



EMS Week is the perfect opportunity to start a "Stop The Bleed" campaign in your community. The program is designed to place tourniquets and hemorrhage control kits in public places, like with a Public Access Defibrillator and train the public on their use. The following audio infomercial on the "Stop The Bleed" campaign was produced by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP).

Download PDF

The "Got FIB?" campaign is an educational program designed to inform the public on the important warning signs of non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). 

Download Information Sheet (PDF)

  Cervical Splinting: A New Paradigm in Cervical Spine Management

Stroke Resources

Stroke Information Alliance
The Stroke Information Alliance Newsletter provides the latest updates for you, our valued partners. We hope this information will keep you informed about related activities and that you can incorporate our messages, products, and activities into your programs.
The American Stroke Association has a comprehensive website dedicated to providing resources for those who are interested in information on preventing a stroke or recovering after they’ve had an event.

Patient Education Brochures
Our patient education brochures cover topics such as stroke care, prevention, and emergencies. Click on the brochure title to find a description of the brochure, order a sample or get bulk ordering instructions.

Let’s Talk About Stroke
Let's Talk About Stroke is a series of downloadable patient information sheets, created by the American Stroke Association, that presents information in a question-and-answer format that's brief, easy to follow and easy to read. They also provide room for you to write down questions to ask your doctor. This can help you prepare to get the most out of your next visit with your healthcare professional.

Starting Successful Support Groups
This comprehensive 30-page booklet guides you through starting and maintaining a viable stroke support group by answering the following questions:

  • Why Start a Stroke Support Group?
  • How Are Stroke Support Groups Started?
  • How Do We Make Our Stroke Group a Success?
  • What Type of Program Activities Should We Plan?
  • Will Our Stroke Group Continue To Grow?
  • What Resources Are Available To Help Group Leaders?

Stroke Connection Magazine
Stroke Connection brings information and inspiration right to your mailbox. From in-depth information on conditions such as aphasia, central pain, high blood pressure and depression to tips for daily living from healthcare professionals and other stroke survivors, Stroke Connection Magazine keeps you abreast of how to cope, how to reduce your risk of stroke and how to make the most of each day.

Fact Sheets

The EMS Week kit fact sheets are designed for you to copy and distribute during your EMS Week activities. Feel free to place your logo and contact information on the sheets if you desire. We also have a collection of other fact sheets from past planning kits that can still be used during your educational programs. Use these handouts to copy and give to stakeholders, such as reporters and editors, when you mail out a press release or invite the media on a ride-along.

Previous Fact Sheets (PDFs)

Resources on the Web

Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC)
Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) maintains an extensive online library of material that you can use during EMS Week and throughout the year to promote emergency medical services for children. Check out the EMSC Products and Resources for fact sheets in English and Spanish on topics such as bicycle safety, transporting children in an ambulance, family-centered care, injury prevention, school bus safety, and other important topics.

Federal Partners


PSAs are great opportunities for you to communicate a message about EMS Week to those who listen to the radio, watch television news or read newspapers. A PSA allows for you to distribute a positive and credible message about EMS Week.

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