Find a Mentor

This program is open to all medical students, residents in emergency medicine, and practicing emergency physicians in the United States.

Communication may occur via telephone, email or in person through prearranged meetings (at national conferences, for example). Communication is expected to follow standard professional conduct at all times.

Every effort will be made to assign a volunteer mentor with similar background or interests. Specific requests will be evaluated on an individual basis. Once a mentor is assigned, it will be the responsibility of the mentee to make the initial contact. Mentors are expected to respond within one week.

This program is intended to facilitate the establishment of a mentoring relationship. The subsequent nature of that relationship is expected to develop naturally. The Program Administrator will not oversee all communications. However, if any problems arise, the Program Administrator should be notified immediately.

The Sports Medicine Virtual Mentorship Program does not intend to place or guarantee matching of the mentee into any residency or fellowship training program.

The mentee may terminate the relationship at any time for any reason, in which case an alternative mentor may be selected as necessary.

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