
Navigating Legal Concerns During Your APP Transition

In the members-only video, ACEP’s President Dr. Christopher Kang joins attorney Laura Seng and Dr. Diana Nordlund to address the top 4-5 challenges some members are facing, including tail coverage con...

Career Transition Support

Why Tail Coverage? Medical Malpractice Insurance Considerations

Support for Employment Transitions

Workforce Progress Report – March 16, 2023

Celebrating National Women Physicians Day

Comments Needed on Parental Leave Best Practices

Explore the New and Improved, the Premier Career Center for EM Physicians

Defining the Job Description of an Emergency Physician

Sue Sedory’s Video Message

Employer Profile Database

EM Workforce Section Town Hall - April 30, 2022

Workforce Progress - Aug. 5, 2021

A Checklist to Help You Negotiate The Best Employment Contract

Signing My Life Away? Legal Considerations in Contract Review

Shaping the Workforce of Tomorrow

Family Feeling Keeps Academician in New Community Hospital Role

Career Center

Fellow (FACEP) Status

Employment Contracts

Retired Membership in ACEP

Staff Accountant, AR

Instructional Designer

EMDI Sales and Operations Manager

Web, Marketing, and Communications Manager

Finding the Perfect Job

How to Design the Optimal Schedule for Working Shifts

Building Your Career in Emergency Medicine

A Guide for the Perplexed: Start Early to Find the Best Job After Residency

Life After Residency

The Top 25 Things You Need to Do Before Your First Day

What To Do When Your Contract Is Threatened