November 3, 2023

Message from the Chair


I recently returned from ACEP23 in Philadelphia where thousands of emergency physicians, residents and medical students gathered to learn, network, and advance our practices and the specialty. The meeting is always an important venue for us to both rally support from ACEP leaders during the annual NEMPAC Council Challenge and to thank ACEP members in attendance for their generous support of NEMPAC over the past year. Going into the meeting, I was concerned that the partisan politics and divisions we are witnessing in Washington, DC would impact our fundraising. But instead, ACEP members showed up and were more unified than ever in our shared mission to advance the specialty and protect it for future generations of emergency physicians and our patients.

We may have had our strongest Council Challenge ever (the donations are still coming in), raising over $280,000 towards our $1 million annual goal. You can read additional highlights from the meeting below. Members of our NEMPAC Board of Directors were on hand throughout the week talking with colleagues about why they should become involved in advocacy amidst all the other pressures we face professionally. All of us agreed that we are stronger together. It is incredibly important that we all support NEMPAC so that our voice is stronger, more powerful, and more unified in the interests of making the emergency department a better place to practice medicine, and a better place for our patients.

You can hear more about NEMPAC from your ACEP colleagues in this short video.

If you have not supported NEMPAC this year, please consider helping us reach our goal of $1 million to ensure we are successful in a world of competing interests. Donate or view your donation history via the red “contribute” button on the top right of this page.

If you have given, and think you could do more, we would appreciate the “extra” effort. Thank you again and hope you are having a great fall!

Peter J. Jacoby, MD, FACEP
Chair, NEMPAC Board of Trustees

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