Review the ABEM Application

The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) has submitted an application to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) for the creation of a designation of Focused Practice in Clinical Ultrasonography (CU). ABMS will post the ABEM application for public comment from June 26-July 25th.

Although you are welcome to submit individual comments directly to the ABMS site, ABEM has asked interested EM Ultrasound organizations to solicit comments from their members. These will be compiled into a letter on behalf of the ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Section. Please review the application and provide comments to us using the form below. Please submit comments by July 12 so that we have time to review them and compile our letter.

Review ABMS Application (PDF)

Thank you for your time.

Julie Rispoli
Manager, Clinical Ultrasound Accreditation Program
Staff Liaison, Emergency Ultrasound Section


*Are you an ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Section member?
Does your ED have an Ultrasound Fellowship?
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